Did you observe ...

Obviously or seemingly illegal actions?
Any kind of harassment?
Anything else what concerns you?

Any code of conduct helps to protect a company's integrity. Yunneng Wind Power Co., Ltd. has drawn up a code of conduct to ensure the rights and obligations as well as the observance of legal and ethical standards for all directly and indirectly involved parties.

The code of conduct of Yunneng Wind Power Co., Ltd. can be viewed here:

Code of conduct

You can quickly and easily report you concerns about actual or suspected misconduct by using our reporting system. Yunneng Wind Power Co., Ltd..'s reporting system can be used by employees, business partners, suppliers, customers and any affected community.

What you should report? It could be something from the following list:

  1. Theft and embezzlement
  2. Bribery and corruption, money laundering
  3. Infringement of competition or antitrust law
  4. Breach of environmental and safety regulations
  5. Violation of human and labour rights, harassment at work, including sexual harassment and discrimination
  6. Breach of internal rules

Of course you are free to stay completely anonymous, although we want to encourage you to provide your name in the report. However, it is often more appropriate for the clarification of the facts reported by you if the investigation officer appointed by us can contact you for further questions. We would therefore ask you to set up a secure mailbox whose inboxes you should check regularly. This would enable an appropriate exchange and also preserve your anonymity.

We want to assure you that all reports will be kept strictly confidential to the extent permitted by law.

Please try to provide as much information as you can. It is also possible to upload files, copies of documents etc.

All reports are entered directly on a secure server and strict data security policies are applied.

Tell us via email: compliance@owf-yunlin.tw

You can leave your name and phone numbers to let us contact you. However, you can also remain anonymous.